Senior Safety Score

Congratulations, you have taken the first step towards maintaining your independence by identifying your safety risks. This is a starting point to promote your safety and maintain health and independence. You score and safety risk areas are listed below. Get your result report with a detailed list of tips and resources to address them by downloading now.

Here are the risk areas identified for you:

    The sooner you begin to address the risks, the more you can maintain your independence and health. When you give us your email address, we will send you a PDF report with suggestions and resources to eliminate or reduce your risk(s). In addition, we will also occasionally email you tips, suggestions, and more information about addressing your risks.

    If you have medical risks, we may give some generally accepted medical advice from trusted sources, but the key is to follow up with your Primary Care Provider (PCP) since they know your specific health issues. You can print out the report and share it with your PCP for further help.